Wednesday 25 April 2018

Best Shaving Cream for Men

Finding a good shaving cream is more important than you might think. The majority of us guys have got a neck rash at some point from shaving, and I don’t need to tell you how annoying that can be. With the right shaving cream, you can easily avoid rashes and cuts to your skin.

Whilst you might think that all shaving creams are pretty much the same, you’d be surprised at the difference that a good shaving cream can make. Shaving creams are usually about 80% water, but the other ingredients they contain can affect the quality of your shave. That’s why it’s important you get the best shaving cream for your skin, especially if it’s sensitive.

Rocky Mountain Barber Company Cream 

If you are looking for the best shaving cream for sensitive skin, then you won’t find many better than those made by the Rocky Mountain Barber Company. Made specifically for all skin types, this shaving cream works excellently if you want something that won’t dry your skin out and leave you prone to it becoming flakey and damaged.

Because this is made by a smaller company, you really don’t need to worry about it being left on the shelf for years. Whilst you may not think this is an issue with normal shaving gels, with shaving cream it is often the case that you’ll want to find ones that are made with fresher ingredients so that you can really nourish your skin like it deserves.

It’s made with coconut oil, which is an excellent ingredient to have as part of any good shaving cream. This is because coconut oil is a natural moisturizer, so that you can be sure you skin will be soft and ready for shaving.

Art of Shaving Cream 

The Art of Shaving are a smaller brand that use a unique formula to help you get an optimal shave. Their shaving cream has become increasingly popular in recent years, so it could be a good option if you want a shaving cream that is soft on your skin.

One thing that you may struggle with is razor burn. This is a common reason that people trun to using shaving cream instead of using shaving gel and foam, and with good reason. Shaving cream can be better for your skin as it is usually made with a moisturising oil that will help to nourish your skin and leave it soft and smooth.

Whether you are looking to apply this cream with a good shaving brush or with your hands alone, this can be a great option for a good shaving cream if you aren’t convinced on any of their competitors. It’s a great choice if you often suffer from razor burn and want to avoid this in the future.

Taylor of Old Bond Street Sandalwood Shaving Cream 

The majority of shaving creams are made with sandalwood oils and specifically for those with sensitive skin. The Taylor of Old Bond Street brand are no different, and their products are undoubtedly some of the best around.

If you have particularly sensitive skin to shaving, then you will want to check the ingredients of any shaving cream you are going to use. This is because the likelihood is that you are allergic or irritant to a specific ingredient, and you will want to avoid this in the future if you want to have an irritant free shave.

If you like to get an extremely close shave, then this shaving cream would likely be a good option for you. This is because it’s cream is made to allow you to build up a smooth lather that is easy to shave off with a good quality razor. Doing this will give you a smooth shave that you just can’t get without using some sort of shaving cream or soap.

Henry Cavendish Shaving Soap 


Speaking of shaving soaps, I decided to add this one to the list as an option for you. If you are looking to find a good cream to shave with, then you may want to consider a good shaving soap as they can be a great way to avoid irritants.

The difference between this shaving soap and it’s competitors is that it made with shea butter. This means that it is extremely easy to apply to your skin, and you won’t need to worry about your skin being oily or developing a shaving rash. It’s a good option if you have tried other shaving creams and don’t like the results that you have got so far.

All of the ingredients in this shaving soap are natural too, which is great if you want to avoid using products that are made with chemicals that may cause damage to your skin in the long term. If you’re in the US, you’re lucky as you can purchase an additional shaving mug that you can use to make sure this shaving soap is perfect for your skin.



Hopefully, you know have a slightly better idea of how a good shaving cream can make a difference. Personally, I prefer to use a good shaving soap twice a week – but that’s because I don’t go fully clean shaven and only really need to shave my neck. Whether you are looking for a good option to shave your entire face or you are just looking to clean shave your neck, there’s definitely a good shaving cream here for you to pick from.

The post Best Shaving Cream for Men appeared first on Balding Life.


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