Tuesday 27 March 2018

Hair loss cures in the future?

There are numerous individuals out there wondering if there is another cure for hair loss. There have been huge leaps forward in the hair industry that have raised interest that another exceptionally critical cure for hair loss might be practically right around the corner. Despite the fact that there have been huge improvements in the current cures available, there has still not been a cure that has been 100 % successful in the treatment of hair loss and still have signs of balding. Will there be more efficient hair loss cures in the future?


Different Hair Loss Cures

One of the medicines that you could pick is to get a hair transplant. This requires a considerable amount of cash. Though if you can bear the high cost of it, then it might be worth thinking about.

Another treatment that is hasn’t been tried yet is the cloning of hair. You should still have some hair on your head, and the strategy has been demonstrated as fruitful by some scientists. You should protect the hairs that you currently have, as we could be expect that the circumstances to using the treatment techniques will change soon. Development of new hair by utilization of undifferentiated cell exploring is and will undoubtedly be a remarkable leap forward. And, it isn’t too fair in the future.

New cures in the type of professionally prescribed medications have likewise been as of late discharged in the market. These cures are most accessible for male example hair sparseness. Presently, male example hair sparseness is caused by the creation of DHT hormones in the body. This hormone inhibits the development of hair from the hair follicles.



As you may know, the normal individual ordinarily loses around one hundred hairs regularly, however this loss is to a great extent unnoticed since the hairs are completely supplanted rapidly by the follicles. At the point when the DHT hormone inhibits the generation of new hair, the hair loss begins to wind up apparent, and a man first begins developing fine, delicate hair before becoming bare and hair sheds more frequently.

Presently, the doctor prescribed medications expect to handle this issue by blocking the transformation of testosterone into DHT. This influences the hair follicles to deliver hair typically and be unaffected. The professionally prescribed medications may, however, contain some symptoms that may respond to a man’s body.

It is essential to look for a specialist’s recommendation before using these medications as this may help reduce numerous medical issues.

The matter of foundational microorganism looks into has been questionable throughout the years, and it is will undoubtedly inspire feelings with a few people feeling that undifferentiated organism inquires about is taking science explore too far and that killing immature microorganisms adds up to killing people.

However, it is essential that legislators and nationals alike concur so undeveloped cells can be utilized to cure hair sparseness that is affecting such huge numbers of individuals today. As the level of pressure increases and environmental contamination deteriorates by the day, numerous individuals will undoubtedly wind up bare soon, and it is just essential that new cures are discovered that can address this disease.


Despite the fact that balding isn’t a dangerous condition, it can truly skew one’s mental self-view and therefore prompt mental issues for the individual. We expect that complete cures will soon be found. However, even before new cures are discovered, it is important to remember that your hair doesn’t define you as a human being, and one of the best things you can do is to shave your hair short and forget about it.

The post Hair loss cures in the future? appeared first on Balding Life.

source http://baldinglife.com/hair-loss-cures-in-the-future/

Are you losing hair due to stress?

People may experience hair loss due to physical and emotional stress in some instances. This nagging problem has lingered for ages in the lifestyle of many people. After several months or weeks of long-term stress, there is every possibility to lose some portions of your hair. Losing hair due to stress is a common issue.


Reducing stress can be a sure fire way of reducing the acceleration of your hair loss.

In most cases, the lost hair tends to re-grow when your stress is over. Taking proper care and certain natural measures can help to prevent hair loss due to stress. Hair loss is one of the most unequivocal signs of stress and anxiety. If you are in constant fear and panic to lose your hair, it is important to look for effective ways to stop this negative feeling.

Losing hair due to stress – how to fix the problem should be the solution whenever you are in a fearful mood. With healthy nutrition and relaxation strategies, you may save yourself from experiencing hair loss due to stress. Below are some unique and effective ways to prevent or fix hair loss problems caused by stress.

Give it time



The scalp should be allowed to recover when the hair loss has entered the telogen stage. Time is highly crucial to your new hair development after combining balanced diets and relaxation strategies.

Before your hair starts growing properly, there is the possibility to wear hats or hairpieces. In fact, you can style the hair to any suitable design that fits the current condition. For the new hair to start developing at your suitable pace, then ensure to allow up to three to four months.


Keep a balanced diet


Hair production is cascaded on its fundamental building blocks, which are protein and iron. Zinc and selenium are important elements that can also help in the development of hair. To absorb protein and iron into your hair, simply consume food with at least 200 micro grams of selenium and 30 mg of zinc daily. Using natural effects such as eating cereal grains and vegetables can help to balance the protein and zinc levels in your hair.


Keep fit and active


Chronic physical or emotional shock along with malnutrition can lead to hair loss by stress. Hormonal imbalances and illness can also lead to hair loss by stress. When anxiety signs in your lifestyle are not treated, it may cause tension of stress. It is important to know that hormonal imbalances can occur when the tension of your stress increases beyond anticipation.

When this occurs, your immune system will be confused and start attacking hair roots. The only way to put this problem under control is by increasing your level of constant exercise. Studies have revealed that endorphins in the body are increased due to constant exercise. While it can bolster your overall wellbeing, regular exercise also provides natural pain reduction.

Taking a warm bath or relaxing with a massage will help your body to remain active. Built-up tension is alleviated when you apply any type of soothing touch to your body. In fact, it will ensure that your muscles are well relaxed. Breathing deeply in a tense condition can as well help your body experience total activeness.

Keep the rest of your body well groomed


Along with keeping fit, it’s important to keep the rest of your body and hair well maintained. That means keeping your beard trimmed and your nose hairs at bay.

The post Are you losing hair due to stress? appeared first on Balding Life.

source http://baldinglife.com/losing-hair-due-to-stress/

Saturday 24 March 2018

Balding at the Crown – What to Consider

For about 50% of men, balding at the crown will never happen to them. However, for the other 50%, you’re going to experience some form of baldness by the age of 50. There’s no need to worry; this article is meant for you.

It is packed with key information that will help you reverse and rejuvenate your hair growth. But first things first. What do you do when you notice that your thick hair is thinning at the crown? This is the first question that comes to mind when men notice they are losing hair. And it`s for a good reason, since no one likes to look old. Well, to answer this, it’s important to understand that there are two methods of handling balding at the crown. The first involves home based care that aims to reverse your losses and preserve the remaining hair while the second method involves a trip to your family doctor. The following is a quick walk through of what to do and what not to do when you are balding at the crown.

It’s almost important to note that here at baldinglife.com, we’re massive advocates of accepting going bald and not stressing about it too much. I’ve been completely bald for many years, and during that initial first few years, going bald can be quite daunting. But now, I just shave it all off. However after a while, you’ll get used to it and accept your new, shiny headed self. However, for those not ready to yet accept their baldness (no judgements here), this article is for you.

Consult your doctor

This should be your first step when you notice that you are balding at the crown. Is it important? Yes, it is very important. The reason being that you may have a condition called Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). This is a by far the most common cause of balding at the crown in men. It occurs when Dihydrotestosterone attaches to your hair follicles weakening them and causing them to fall out. Incase your doctor diagnoses you with MPB you will be put on medication that will help you reverse the hair loss.

Don’t make it worse


Once you notice that you are balding at the crown, then you can choose to try to reduce the pace at which you are losing your hair. This will include losing all your tight caps and hats that are too tight. This is because they restrict blood circulation in the scalp and also reduce air circulation between the hair follicles. Some studies say that this increases hair loss drastically (I’m not too sure myself, but either way it’s not the end of the world to stop wearing hats, right?). And for those who smoke, then you will have to choose between smoking and retaining your hair. This is because smoking has been found to cause hair loss too.

The blow dryer is your best friend

Forget about the towels, blow dryer is your best friend when you are losing hair. This is because towels generally cause more strain on your hair, which is the last thing you want if you’re trying to cling on to those last few strands. A blow dryer will not strain your hair in the same way, and actually drys it well while separating the hair strands, making it appear thicker than it actually is. This is what you want when your hair is thinning out – thicker appearing hair!

Pay a visit to your barber

If you’ve tried everything but no matter what you do and you can’t seem to make the bald spot less conspicuous, good cut from your barber may go a long way in helping you achieve this goal. A precise and well positioned cut will create an illusion of your hair being evenly distributed. This will create time for you to regrow your own hair. In the end they will never notice the difference.

Wash your hair

Well, this may seem basic, but trust me, it goes a long way in helping your hair to stay healthy and rid it of fungal infection. Fungal infection doesn`t improve balding in any way. In fact, it makes it worse. As such, always clean your hair with shampoo and apply the ketaconazole cream from time to time. This ensures your hair is oil free and healthy. Needless to say, healthy hair is less prone to thinning out and hence serves to fight against balding at the crown.

The post Balding at the Crown – What to Consider appeared first on Balding Life.

source http://baldinglife.com/balding-at-the-crown/

Saturday 3 March 2018

Who are the Sexiest Bald Men for Baldspiration?

I get it. We all have those days where we wish we had long, flowing locks of hair. Some days, I crawl out of bed and just wish I could grow my hair out like Samson. But, we all know that the source of our power isn’t truly in our hair; in fact, there are many studies that show going bald is indeed a sign of power and virility.

Yet, there are days when I get a bit down about not having the option to have a mohawk. So, what do I do on those days to reaffirm myself of my masculinity? You guessed it. I have a look at the sexiest bald men I can find that show us there’s no shame in going bald. These guys are some of the best forms of baldspiration around today. You’ll find the usual suspects, but also some others you might not have heard of.

Jason Statham




We start the list off with Hollywood hunk Jason Statham. The likelihood is you’ve heard about this balding beauty from featuring in a variety of good (think Snatch) and extremely bad (think Revolver) movies over the past few decades.

Coupled with his strong jawline and great physique, Jason is a great role model for anyone looking for some baldspiration. One of the first things to do when you realise you’re going bald is to consider hopping on the gym train. Defining that jawline can make you infinitely more confident about your appearance. Saying this, Jason gets bonus points for letting his remaining hair grow out and not shaving it totally bald. Not because it looks better, I personally prefer a completely shaven head. It’s just he clearly doesn’t give a f**k what anyone thinks; and it works.

There’s no doubt that Jason is a good looking fella, and he’s definitely had his fair share of the ladies. He’s settled down now with model Rosie Huntingdon-Whiteley; not too bad for a balding fella, eh?


Zinedine Zidane


Zinedine Zidane, or Zizou, is one of the greatest soccer (or football) players of all time. After playing for some of the biggest clubs in the world like Juventus, he then advanced into his managerial career at Real Madrid, where he was also a player.

He started balding in his early twenties and would shamelessly rep the bald look without shaving. It didn’t matter to him as long as he was playing soccer and scoring goals. His charismatic nature and French nonchalance added to his attractiveness, as we all know confidence is sexy.

Zidane is a prime example of a man who has matured with grace. In fact, I would argue with you that Zinedine actually looks better now than back in his playing days. He clearly uses a head shaver every few days, and his current look totally works.


Milan Vukmirovic


I don’t blame you for not having heard of Milan Vukmirovic. He’s not mentioned in the media every single day, and isn’t a hollywood superstar like some of the other mentions in our list. But for me, he’s the most important feature, and here’s why.

Milan is an award winning fashion designer who has worked with many brands like Gucci and Trussardi. Though you might not have heard of him, he’s been a major influence in the fashion industry over previous decades. You can Google his name to get tons of fashion inspiration as he’s probably the best dressed bald man in the entire world.

Milan is a massive advocate of maintaining a good physique. By good, this doesn’t necessarily mean super muscly. You don’t have to be super muscular to pull off the bald look. Like Milan, you can just aim for a nice lean physique that helps accentuate your features.


Bruce Willis


You knew he’d be on here. No list of the sexiest bald men would be complete without Bruce, who helped pioneer the baldy movement back in the 80s with the ultimate action movie Die Hard.

Bruce’s stages of balding have been clear to see for the public throughout his acting career. This didn’t stop him from becoming one of the biggest movie stars in the world. In fact, it probably helped him.

As balding is synonymous with power, Bruce’s balding look made him perfect for roles as an action hero.


Stanley Tucci


Stanley Tucci is pretty well known for as a film director, writer and producer. He really became apparent to the younger generation for his role in The Hunger Games and The Lovely Bones, for which he was nominated for an Academy Award.

Unlike his character in The Lovely Bones who sports a horrific combover, in real life Tucci has opted for the complete shave. It no doubt suits him a lot more than the other alternative.

Stanley jokes in this video that being bald ‘won’t ever be in’.

We think you’re wrong, Stanley.

Pep Guardiola


Okay, I know it’s another soccer player but I’m trying to feature a few of the sexiest bald men that you don’t see plastered over every internet site *cough* The Rock *cough*.

As well as being a fantastic footballer, Pep has gone on to have a successful managerial carer in the Spanish, German and English League.

It’s no secret that Pep is an attractive man. His hispanic roots give give a darker skin tone which really suits his suave bald look. Although you can’t change your ethnicity, you can get yourself a nice tan if you’re a caucasian male. This will undoubtedly gain you a few points on the sexy scale.


Michael Jordan


It’s common knowledge that going bald is not that bigger deal for black guys. Why? It could be the lack of stark contrast and inability to see the horseshoe around the back of the head. It could be that the majority of black guys seem to cut their hair pretty short anyway. Or, it could be that bald black guys just look way cooler than everyone else.

Anyway, the title of the ‘quintessential bald black guy’ is debatable; honourable mentions go out to Tyrese Gibson and Damon Wayans for also pulling this look off with ease. But Michael Jordan pipped these two fellas to the post; he’s definitely one of the sexiest bald men of all time.

His athletic physique and dominance in sport propelled MJ to global superstar. We’re sure it was a lot easier to focus when he didn’t have to worry about going to the barbers anymore.


The Rock


Most of the features on our list weren’t massive muscular guys.  This was kind of proving a point that you don’t have to be ripped to look good and be confident as a bald man. Saying this, The Rock definitely suits the big, bulky bald look.

After he started receding in his thirties, he took to shaving it right down to the skin. Whilst going bald can be quite a distressing time for most men, it wasn’t that bigger deal for Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. Maybe it’s because he knew people were more interested in his charismatic personality that if he had hair on his head or not.

Whilst you don’t have to be muscly to pull off the bald look, it can definitely help. Even if it’s only for self confidence, going to the gym and improving your body can also help improve your mindset. If there’s anything women, and men, find attractive, it’s confidence.

Thanks for reading about the sexiest bald men! Be sure to check out some of our other great posts and to check which head shaver is best for you!

The post Who are the Sexiest Bald Men for Baldspiration? appeared first on Balding Life.

source http://baldinglife.com/sexiest-bald-men-baldspiration/

Keranique vs Rogaine Shampoo

Keranique and Rogaine are two of the big hitters in the hair loss market. If you’re experiencing hair loss and have been researching it, the...