Saturday 21 April 2018

Best Hair Loss Vitamins and Supplements 2018

For many people, losing hair can be an extremely worrying experience. This is made even more harrowing if you’re unaware of the reasons behind your sudden hair loss; is it your diet? Is it a nutrient deficiency? Or, if you’re a guy, is it just male pattern baldness?

Well for guys, the likelihood is that it’s the latter. You’ll need to check the signs of male pattern baldness to determine whether what you’re experiencing is just a normal part of life, or whether you might be suffering from a deficiency. For women, your genetics might just be causing your hair loss as well. Though this is less common than with guys and is more likely to be related to stress, hormones and nutrient deficiencies.

To combat these nutrient deficiencies, you’ll want to try and find the best hair loss vitamins that can help improve the health of your hair.

Best Hair Loss Vitamins & Supplements


biotin-hair-lossCheck Amazon Price

Biotin is probably the most commonly recommended hair loss vitamin, and there’s a pretty good reason for this.

Whilst there aren’t any ‘clinical trials’ that prove that Biotin improves the health of your hair, it has been used to combat deficiencies for many years. If you are deficient in Biotin, then taking vitamins is the easiest way to get more Biotin into your system.

I’ve linked to this particular Biotin because it’s a great deal and I know people that have personally used it to great effect. Because it’s based in coconut oil, you should find it extremely easy to consume and you won’t have any issues with absorption. You’ll find a lot of vitamins that contain Biotin amongst a million other things, but here I’m just recommending the best vitamins individually. There are tons of other shampoos you can use if hair loss is a concern of yours.

Biotin is fantastic, not even just for your hair loss, but also for your skins and nails, too.


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Zinc is something that I can personally recommend after using it for several years. It’s great not just for the health of your hair, but it’s also great for your testosterone as a guy (I can attest to this!). For women, Zinc is fantastic to use during pregnancy and ensures proper growth.

Whilst originally I liked to make sure I was getting enough zinc in my diet, I now prefer to take a zinc supplement as well to ensure that I’m getting my recommended daily allowance. Zinc has been used as an effective combatant to hair loss for many years now, as many studies have linked a lack of zinc to progressive hair loss.

Fish Oil

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One of the more common issues that you might face with hair loss is scalp inflammation. This is common with a bad diet that isn’t rich in nutrients. If you want healthy hair and a healthy mind, you’ll want to consider some form of multivitamin and make sure you’re taking fish oil.

As well as fighting against inflammation, fish oil is also great for the thickness of your hair. Dependant on the type of hair loss you’re experiencing, you may just want to find ways to help get your hair back to it’s former, thicker self. Fish oil is a fantastic part of any diet in which you’re looking to improve your health long term.

Vitamin C

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You might think that you get enough Vitamin C in your diet because it’s found it citrus fruits as well as a lot of other foods. But, it’s easier than you think to

Vitamin C specifically works as an anti ageing vitamin, means that it can slow down the natural balding that will occur in the majority of males lives.


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You’d be surprised at the amount of people who don’t get enough iron in their diet. It’s one of the most commonly diagnosed deficiencies, and it can cause hair loss (specifically diffuse hair loss and telogen effivium).


Dealing with hair loss isn’t easy. Before you purchase any vitamin supplements, it’s likely the best option to visit your doctor to try and find a cause. If you’re a guy, then the likelihood is that you’re just experiencing male pattern baldness. This is a normal part of life for most guys, and finding a hair loss cure is not likely to happen unless you’re willing to get a transplant (you can try Minoxidil to slow the process, but I’d advise you to just accept it!). For women, genetic hair loss is more common than you might think also.

In saying this, all the things that I’ve listed here important nutrients in any balanced diet and it wouldn’t hurt to give them a try.

The post Best Hair Loss Vitamins and Supplements 2018 appeared first on Balding Life.


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